When Gerry Hutch released his video this week, he wasn't able to publish it on a web site bearing his own domain name. These names were all proactively registered by Daniel Pocock, a candidate for Dublin Bay South who has worked as a consultant for a number of banks. Pocock wants to promote the work of HUTCH Hussein, who is a leading figure in Australian politics.

The domain names / web sites concerned are GerryHutch.com, GerryHutch.ie, GerardHutch.com, GerardHutch.ie and TheMonk.ie. TheMonk.com was already taken by a business in another country.

Oddly enough, Mr Pocock has also collected the domain name AlanShatter.com, the high-profile independent Alan Shatter who formerly served as Minister for Defence and Minister for Justice. Will we see a class action law suit in the UDRP where Ireland's most notorious criminal teams up with a former justice minister to get their respective names back?

Daniel Pocock is a Debian Developer. What is a Debian Developer?

The Monk started his career doing jumpovers, robbing banks and stores by jumping over the counter. Mr Pocock has run steeplechases in athletics.

Daniel Pocock, London

Mr Hutch arrived at the office of the returning officer on a scooter. Daniel Pocock arrived the next day on a BMW Motorrad F800 GT and parked in the same place:

Gerry Hutch, the Monk


Daniel Pocock


Daniel Pocock


The frugal lifestyle helped Mr Hutch gain the nickname Monk.

Nobody is more concerned with the safety and security of Dublin's citizens than Mr Pocock.

In this section of an interview with Ali Bracken from the Independent, the Monk talks about cleaning up Dublin and they finish with a comment about Donald Trump:


Daniel Pocock is sincere about cleaning up Dublin. He was in the middle of the Dublin riots of November 2023 and he posted a detailed report with photos. Today, he goes one step further publishing videos. This was recorded in Parliament Street. We can see the riot police advancing south towards the Dublin Castle, reclaiming sections of the city fifty meters at a time and putting out spot fires as they proceed.


Here is another video:


Similarities between murder of David Byrne and the GNOME Foundation attack on Sonny Piers

The wikipedia page about David Byrne tells us the following:

At the weigh-in there was an organised armed attack; the match was cancelled after the shooting. There were at least four attackers with masks, army-style helmets and flak jackets, two of whom were disguised as members of the Garda Emergency Response Unit and armed with AK-47 assault rifles. An associate of the Kinahan cartel, David Byrne (34) was shot dead; security sources said that the gang had intended to kill others.

Earlier this year, some masked employees of the GNOME Foundation created an anonymous account in the GNOME Foundation Discourse forum and used it to anonymously post a character assassin hit on Sonny Piers, an elected volunteer. The kill:

The GNOME Foundation Board voted to remove Sonny Piers as a member of the Board of Directors for cause, at a Special Meeting on May 17th, 2024, following the procedure outlined in the GNOME Bylaws, and remove him from all committees. Effective May 25th, 2024, his seat is now vacant, and in accordance with the Bylaws will be filled for the remainder of its term by an appointment made by the Board.

A Code of Conduct complaint was also made against Sonny Piers. The Foundation is engaged in a mediation process with him, which is still ongoing and so we are unable to share more information at this time.

The assassins disguised as members of the Garda Emergency Response Unit remind us of people in free / open source software organizations who give themselves big titles, pretending to be police so they can denounce their political rivals.

We can see that Gerry 'The Monk' Hutch had a very public trial by jury. Sonny Piers was subject to a secret trial, with secret evidence for secret crimes. In Debian, we've seen people can be punished like this simply for using a word like "wayward".

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, point 1 tells us that everybody is equal. Why do some people get such extraordinary punishments for using the wrong word but Ireland's most notorious criminal can run for the Dáil?

Social control media companies have been described as digital gangsters. The Irish Times poses the question:

Are 'digital gangsters' damaging Ireland Inc's reputation?

Daniel Pocock believes in equality. If elected, he will show equal concern about traditional Irish gangstering and digital gangstering.

Here is that video of Daniel Pocock at the United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights, it is recorded in 2018 and he correctly anticipated the risk of somebody like Elon Musk taking over Twitter:

Garda have suggested people ask the Monk where he got the funds to pay for his campaign. Pocock admits getting his first file server from a Cardinal.

Garda have been watching the Monk since he was ten years old. Pocock used to row every morning with one of the most distinguished members of Victoria Police sitting in the seat behind him and watching his every move:

Daniel Pocock

Vote [1] Daniel POCOCK

Voters have a choice. If you would like to vote for a professional who can think about the things that mainstream candidates overlook Vote [1] DANIEL POCOCK and remember to follow Daniel Pocock's blog at DanielPOCOCK.com

Daniel Pocock, Dublin Bay South

Vote [1] Daniel POCOCK